The sky and landscapes merge into each. What the photo doesn't convey is the song of the sky-larks or the feel of the wind as it dried me off from a hail shower I was caught in as I made my way over there. Nor does it convey the peace and harmony of solitude in a sacred landscape, a peace I was able to take that back with me to my town life - until next time.
May-day at Avebury, also my day off so I headed out on the 49 bus. Once past Wroughton the downs became a blaze of colour with lots of baby sheep running about.
On arrival at Avebury I set off towards the West Kennet Avenue. The yellow rape-field was dazzling and even the dandelions spread out at the foot of Waden Hill seemed so exceptionally bright. As I walked up Waden Hill what at first sight seemed to be giant hare ran past at the edge of the rape field - it was, however a small deer or a muntjac.
Viewed from the top of Waden Hill, Silbury looked very peaceful, a pair of buzzards hovered high overhead. As I made my way over to West Kennet Long Barrow a hefty hail storm blew in. I managed to get to the first oak before the Kennet which gave some shelter - when I finally reached WKLB I had the rare treat of having it all to myself. The hail stopped and the sun came out, I walked to the end of the barrow which was covered in cowslips.
Coming back, I stopped by the bridge over the rive Kennet to watch the swallows show off a bit.
It was all just stunning.
Happy May Day!