Today I drank from the healing waters of the Red Spring in the Chalice Well Garden at Glastonbury - the water is very high in iron content which accounts for the name. After drinking from the spring and having a quiet wander around this most tranquil of gardens I walked up Glastonbury Tor. Reaching the top is such an exhilarating feeling - today there was an assortment of people gathered around the tower and almost straight away a driving shower blew in (it could be seen moving our way as I walked up the tor). With or without the rain, the walk up and then back down left me feeling energised and light - I'm not sure how that works but perhaps the healing waters from the Red Spring played a part.
There is another famous healing spring flowing from the tor called the White Spring and until quite recently there was a little cafe at the side of the tor on Wellhouse Lane where this spring came out - tea made from this water was the most delicious I have ever drunk.
Before arriving at Glastonbury today I also visited Wells for a couple of hours - although not enough time to familiarise myself with the town I spent the time at the gardens of the Bishop's Palace. This is where the wells and springs that give Wells its name rise - the flow of the water apparently averages 40 gallons a second.